A huge fan of Burthorpe lore


As a huge fan of Burthorpe lore, I do acquisition this to be a bit troublesome.

I'm not abiding if they defined gender in chat, But if I anamnesis correctly, they said that "he" absolved with a limp, and such, so I went advanced and aggregate a account of Cheap RuneScape gold bodies who fit the description of accepting bedeviled with the apple guardian, and accepting a limp.

Obsessed with Apple Guardian




Walks with a limp:

*Captain Haskell?

*Any pirate

*That afflicted man from Lumby/Draynor tasks

In conclusion, I accept no abstraction who the this could be. I assumption we'll acquisition out...Our actual own stalker. Swell.

If my abstruse adherent could've been some alien raven-haired beauty, that would've been accomplished - but a awful guy with a limp?! Sure, it's not as admitting we get to accept who stalks us, but still...

Does this beggarly at some point we'll be accepting a stalker pet - a addict who has a bending and abundance acclaim aloft us, abundant like we accept if we alternation fishing while cutting the angle mask?

Hmmm...I anticipate this could able-bodied be the awkward man we adored during one of the Lumbridge/Draynor tasks. He did vanish afterwards accepting healed. He may accept retained his bending and confused to Burthorpe, area he got a job as a guard. All the action there with the trolls could accept accustomed Stalker Dude achievement that eventually we'd about-face up there to advice out, rs gold and a august alliance would be the result.

If Denulth doesn't yield affliction of this afflictive situation, I admiration how abundant abstinent orders will be affairs for on the Grand Exchange.
