Runescape Picking Guide


Have you ever killed by a running major clan? Have a look at these series to find what you need to know in PVP world. Do you play Runescape game? Have you ever connected to a PVP world and died?

You are now free to walk around as you like, do something MMORPG game offers. Play Runescape at level 3. You can choose any name and runescape gold you want and after long and tedious journey through the tutorial, you will find yourself in a place called Lumbering. Runescape Picking is not easy, so you need to know more information about it. This guide will show you the world of PvP in Runescape pking.

Pking is the term used in Runescape to explain what you do, which is trying to kill others in PvP worlds. Pking is short for kill player. There is a lot of rules, strategies, opportunities and directions that can be taken and used to your advantage in PVP world. This guide RS break every part of Runescape pking in PvP worlds and teaches you what it has to offer. You must first know what will happen and how to be successful. Now that the depressing part is explained PVP worlds; I will go to that series. And you will find detailed guides to help you create a character when you participate in PvP pking.
