Which explains why in MPD


Fixed up Paterdomus?So during River of Blood, we, and by extension, the Misthalin army retakes Paterdomus, which explains why in MPD, those monks were able to accomplish their crusade to it.


However, even afterwards retaking it from the Zamorakian monks, the abode is still vandalized with Zamorakian regalia and symbolism. I acquisition this unrealistic as it has afresh been taken aback by Saradominist armament and would acceptable accept been bankrupt up since.


Would it be accessible for there to be a ninja update, or even a miniquest in which Paterdomus is bankrupt up? For immersion's account of course.


I'm just blessed to accept our basilica back. Although the area may accept to accept a abbey suffragan, now that Archbishop Raispher has been assigned abroad by the civil authorities. It's just as able-bodied - He was accepting rather abhorred with the abbey in these parts.


According to Ivan, he is cerebration about charwoman up Paterdomus, but like a lot of thing, I agnosticism they would change it unless they instance the building.


Even admitting it is abundant smaller, they would still run into botheration like they accept declared abotu West Ardy and Burgh De Rott and Meyirditch.


They never got the adventitious afore the 6th age, and 6th age me would be arch a accumulation of Zamorakians to yield aback the temple and either catechumen or cossack out Ivan.


Get your own accursed temple. You can't just go about burglary added people's temples.


Give aback Wizards tower,Runescape gold and Asgarnia first.
