How to Use Improved Looting in Runescape at


Glad to see you at again, today's topic is how to use improved looting in runescape.

With a alone click, accompany up the new, customisable boodle window and grab aggregate in the surrounding breadth that meets your criteria.

This has the abeyant to decidedly change how you play, so we've accustomed you the advantage to use old-style looting, if you prefer.

The bigger annexation mechanics are switched on by default, and you can customise them through the Game Settings interface. If you'd rather stick to the old boodle mechanics, this is aswell breadth you can toggle them off.

Simply left-click a section of boodle and the new annexation interface will open. It will accumulate and affectation all boodle that you're acceptable to aces up. Then, you can bang alone items to alteration them to your backpack, or bang 'Loot All' to grab everything.

To customise the Boodle interface, aboriginal go to the Game Settings interface, again bang the new 'Loot Options' button.

This enables you to toggle the boodle interface absolutely (default on), toggle breadth annexation (default off) and toggle right-click activation of the Boodle interface (default off).

This is aswell breadth you can set up custom boodle criteria. This lets you set a minimum bread amount and assorted categories - 'herblore items,' 'prayer items,' etc. – which can be ticked in any aggregate you wish. Selecting any of these will add a 'Loot Custom' button to the Boodle interface, which will aces up any items which accommodated the belief you've set.

Note that the Boodle interface cannot be acclimated in a lot of minigames, and that breadth annexation requires band of afterimage to the account in question.

Also, assertive items – such as those accurately accompanying to quests – cannot be best up through the Boodle interface. You can aces up any such items in the old way by right-clicking them, as continued as right-click activation is angry off.

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