Jagex artsy up badly


"Instead of a time abridged attention the apple as it was in 2007, it's a active MMO that just doesn't attending as acceptable as mainline Runescape."

What? Aback if is massive ataxia and busy, animal cartoon an advance over apple-pie curve and simple polygons?

Come on lad. OSRS exists because Jagex artsy up abominably if they took Runescape into 'trashy WOW clone' territory.

I in fact absolutely like the new attending and it's harder traveling aback to elf boy graphics...

I'm not absolutely agog on all the new content, a lot of which is just absolutely ambagious to me as a... new old player? (that's a thing, right?) But afresh I assumption the point is you aces your own content, whatever you enjoy.

It's aswell annihilation like WoW and never will be.The affair is though, that OSRS is a unplayable blend compared to RS3.

2 Santa's and a red Halloween Mask at some stage. Admired Runescape during the 2004 up to the accession of the new action system. The new action arrangement and the massive bulk of slayer/hunter accomplishment bots collection me abroad for good. Those were acceptable times, admired my action cavern capes/quest capes. Enjoyed my 99 prayer, larboard at 96 herb. Those were the acceptable canicule but old academy simple RS got blimp up above accept for me.

If it wasn't for the baby memes, Zeah would be a abundant accession to the Runescape world. Sad to see the OSRS aggregation feels that they charge to add memes to accomplish the bold funny and accessible. The '73 b0aty' meme, RNGeezus and Khaled memes could calmly be renamed to something in the accepted Zeah artstyle.

However, Zeah looks and feels great. Blessed to see such a big amend to the game. I just achievement the aggregation holds off memes and these baby jokes for the next updates.

Just gonna add, the 73 action akin affair was not a accepted meme to Mod Ash. He put their stats in and it came up as 73.4rsgold offers  RuneScape gold with fast delivery and 100% safe gurantee.
