I adulation the Skilling Pets


I adulation the abstraction of the Skilling Pets but why oh why deceit we try to get them while accomplishing assets for our Clans. Either you abutment the Clans and accord us the befalling to get pets OR is it accessible that you as a aggregation don't absolutely see the amount of Clans anymore?


Please Jagex stop sitting on the fence and accord Clans some appropriate updates and agreeable for a change.


Hmm, the abandoned acumen I can see for them not acceptance pets to be acquired at the bastion is abstruse limitations? No abstraction admitting really RS Gold.


I abutment that you should be accustomed to get them from the citadel.


Probably harder for them to implant it because, bastion has this huge spaghetti cipher so they probs said: NOPE LOL, EFFORT.
