Battleaxe in Runescape


A Battleaxe is one of several powerful one-handed slash weapons that are great for armoured foes. They hit hard, but are among the slower weapons. They are stronger than longswords, but slower. However, they are weaker than two-handed swords. Players can buy battleaxes at Brian's Battleaxe Bazaar in Port Sarim, at Bob's Brilliant Axes in Lumbridge, or at the Grand Exchange, or from trading with other players.

Battleaxes have a good bonus second to the two-handed weapon. this can be an great weapon for players WHO neglect their Strength relative to their Attack, however offers its target an excessive amount of time to recover, particularly if the offender misses with a strike or 2. The key to the effective use of a battleaxe is accuracy. it's essential that you just have an great attack level. Strength isn't as necessary because it would be with a cavalry sword, however is most well-liked at an great level for boosted hweapon. With this weapon, thanks to its slow attack speed,you can eat, bury a bone, or take a close-by item 0-2 squares away once between blows and quickly press your opponent to continue fighting and it does not cause any delay between blows, that is important in several things like assembling bones, and taking close ammunition.

In RuneScape Classic, they were stronger than swords but not as accurate. Battleaxes were pointed before the RuneScape HD graphics update, but now in RuneScape High Detail, they are rounded.
